開放空間個案故事 Open Space Technology (OST) is being used more and more often around the world. People were impressd by the process.Facilitators are telling different stories to people about what OST can make. 開放空間的科技(OST)在世界各地越來越被廣泛應用,帶給許多個人和團體前所未有的驚喜與讚嘆!來自世界各地的引導師們也在一場場不同的OST過程中,有了更深的領悟。 Here are some of the stories written by different facilitators, we hope through sharing more people will understand the spirit of OSt. You are welcomed to share your storties with us. our mail frontiertw@gmail.com 這裡就是這群朋友們所撰寫的引導經驗、觀察與心得,我們相信透過閱讀討論與分享,會讓我們對OST的精神有了更深的了解和體會。歡迎你也成為這個園地的一份子,將您的故事寫下來寄給我們,讓這個園地更豐富。