Frontier Foundation is an organization to aggregate the care and love toward Taiwan and to transform that into the practical ground level, community and social action. From policy research, training for community organizers, media watch, to information society practical action plan, Frontier Foundation is devoted to facilitation of the connection among minorities and Internet, and the participatory discussion within organizations.
This organization is founded on four principles:
- To plot a brand new country and pursue the realization of social democracy.
- To promote community movement and implement of democracy.
- To transform the social infrastructure and cultivate a New Taiwanese Culture.
- To build Taiwan social information systems and manpower development institute
Sources of finance includes donations, income of business operation, income from delegated agency, the funds and its interest etc.
The Funds
The Frontier Foundation is approved by the Education Deparpment on July 6, 1994 (Registration ID: Taipei County Education Bureau-194902 ). The registration to the Court of Justice is completed by July 23, 1994 (ID :Pang-chiao County Court 31355). The founding funds, 2 millions NT, is a collective donation from the society and the founding board. Further donation are appreciated : ( Post-office account: The Frontier Foundation 18198551 )
Regular Tasks
Policy Research:
A new nation of equality, of justice and of charity is the vision for Taiwan to be. In order to realize the vision, we need good national planning and policy research. To do that, the Foundation will recruit young professional researchers to do research and planning on various issues of Taiwan, including : international relationship, policy of foreign affairs, economic development, reconstructing of political schemes and institutions, social democracy and culture affairs. We believe, via these researches and planning, we can then have better social engineering in the process of nation-building to pursuit welfare of all the people, and pave the firm foundations for the new nation.
Community Movement and Grass-Root Education Program
Welfare policy and its system planning are musts of our country. But, without supplements of community movement at the grass root, the implement of welfare policy might become disempowering process of the citizen. Therefore, education for action for citizen in the community is identified as one of most important tasks of the Foundation. The agenda is to firm Classroom for Community Movement, via which to empower the citizen, and to enforce their capability in action for change . These grass-root action will be the engine for social reform and social progress in Taiwan.
Media and Forums for the Public:
The blockade of hardware access of media in Taiwan was lifted by the people’s power. However, the quality of media software has not been improved in proportion. Since most people base their political judgments on a few powerful media outlets, the performance of these institutions need to be watched. To balance that, the foundation promotes the public involvement of local media, and empowering themselves with “speakup” program. Moreover, We believes that independent, aggressive, and critical media are essential to an informed democracy. And for the promotion of Taiwanese consciousness and culture, we should always have alternative media.
Information Systems and Modern Management:
Modern societies are societies of information and by information. To make quality decisions, to conduct research and planning successfully, supports from powerful information systems is a must. Building various information and data bases of Taiwan are thus one of key tasks of the Frontier Foundation. To prolong and expand the achievement of democracy movement, we need to raise the horizon of visions, to expand knowledge and expertise, of people participating in the movement. The Foundation will do its best to provide and educate the people in the movement with concepts and basic operational skill of modern information systems.

Recent Projects
- Taiwan womenweb ~website, forum, and newsletters. Provides different information related to women right and services for women. Form virtual communities to share life experience.
- Disability Information Network~ provides all kinds of information useful to the disabled, the family and the service providers.
- e-tribe~ a platform to help aborigine village to communicate with outside world.
- Facilitation~ Training programs to help people use facilitation process, such as Open Space Technology. To create more space for civil participation.
- TechSoup Taiwan~Bring technology donations to non-for-profits.
TechSoup Taiwan is a member of the TechSoup Global Network. All partners are leading civil society organizations and manage a range of capacity building programs in their countries. In addition, they tailor TechSoup’s programs to the needs of their local civil society and contribute back to the Global Network’s expertise. Together, they have reached 650,000 organizations with the tools they need to improve lives and have delivered more than US$5billion in technology tools and philanthropic services. - Net Tuesday Taipei~provide a chance to connect for all those interested in the intersection of social technologies and social change, whether you’re part of a nonprofit organization or a for-profit organization, a funder or a consultant, a developer or an entrepreneur.
- Sahana Taiwan and Ushahidi Taiwan for disaster relief.
- Other Digital divide concern~ Participate in programs (government or non-government) working on reduce digital divide.
- Open Space Technology Community in Taiwan~ Open Space Technology Learning Workshop and facilitation for NPOs by invitation.
◆How to contact with the Frontier Fundation
- Address : 8F., No. 45, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Tel : 886-2-2586-1980
- Post-office account: The Frontier Foundation 18198551
- Contact us via e-mail: email
- Please contact Shu-fang Tsai